full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Todd Kuiken: A prosthetic arm that "feels"

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So that was all very exciting. But we want to do better. There's a lot of information in those nerve signals, and we wanted to get more. You can move each finger. You can move your thumb, your wrist. Can we get more out of it? So we did some experiments where we saturated our poor ptteanis with zlnloiis of eeloectrds and then had them try to do two dozen different tasks — from wiggling a finger to moving a whole arm to reaching for something — and recorded this data. And then we used some algorithms that are a lot like speech recognition altromhgis, called pattern rootiigcnen. See.

Open Cloze

So that was all very exciting. But we want to do better. There's a lot of information in those nerve signals, and we wanted to get more. You can move each finger. You can move your thumb, your wrist. Can we get more out of it? So we did some experiments where we saturated our poor ________ with ________ of __________ and then had them try to do two dozen different tasks — from wiggling a finger to moving a whole arm to reaching for something — and recorded this data. And then we used some algorithms that are a lot like speech recognition __________, called pattern ___________. See.


  1. zillions
  2. recognition
  3. algorithms
  4. electrodes
  5. patients

Original Text

So that was all very exciting. But we want to do better. There's a lot of information in those nerve signals, and we wanted to get more. You can move each finger. You can move your thumb, your wrist. Can we get more out of it? So we did some experiments where we saturated our poor patients with zillions of electrodes and then had them try to do two dozen different tasks — from wiggling a finger to moving a whole arm to reaching for something — and recorded this data. And then we used some algorithms that are a lot like speech recognition algorithms, called pattern recognition. See.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
targeted reinnervation 4
world war 3
bicycle cable 3
real estate 3
arm amputation 2
war ii 2
motorized prosthesis 2
muscles contract 2
robotic limbs 2
wrist flexion 2
advanced arms 2
robotic arms 2
nervous system 2
missing hand 2
nerve signals 2
nerves grew 2
touch jesse 2
hand skin 2
amanda kitts 2
lot easier 2
pattern recognition 2
estate problem 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
world war ii 2
real estate problem 2

Important Words

  1. algorithms
  2. arm
  3. called
  4. data
  5. dozen
  6. electrodes
  7. exciting
  8. experiments
  9. finger
  10. information
  11. lot
  12. move
  13. moving
  14. nerve
  15. patients
  16. pattern
  17. poor
  18. reaching
  19. recognition
  20. recorded
  21. saturated
  22. signals
  23. speech
  24. tasks
  25. thumb
  26. wanted
  27. wiggling
  28. wrist
  29. zillions